Flips Parent Organization (FPO)
What is FPO?
FPO stands for the Flips Parent Organization. It is a parent organization established to:
Provide fundraising opportunities to offset some of the expenses incurred to compete or support the gymnasts.
Offload some of the time, effort and finances pertaining to meets. This leaves the FLIPS coaching and management teams dedicated to what they do best – coaching gymnastics.
Support our girls and give them the best experience possible.
Essentially, FPO is responsible for all fees & activities required to support the competing gymnast aside from their actual gymnastics training. FPO has a board of five (elected at the annual FLIPS banquet) and is supported by all members who volunteer in various roles: fundraising, snack sales, travel coordinator, level representatives. Every family with a gymnast at FLIPS in a competitive level becomes a member of FPO. All FPO members are welcome at any FPO board meetings. Meetings usually take place the first Thursday of the month.
Associated Fees
Monthly Assessments
Each family has an individual account. All Members have access to this account and can log on through the parent portal on the right hand side. We keep track of all Monthly Assessments and Uniform Fees through this account. Your monthly assessments are determined by team and level and are due at the first of each month. Team Uniforms and Expenses will be due to POOF at intervals throughout the year to cover expenses as indicated in the table on the bottom of the page. Please notice that these fees are due on the 15th of specified months. This due date is slightly different then your Assessment Fees. Any positive balance at the end of the 2017-2018 Competitive Season will be automatically rolled over to cover obligations for the following year. Accounts are non-refundable. If a gymnast does not return, those funds revert to the General Reserve account.
Volunteer Hours
Each family is required to work a total of 20 hours during the season. At the beginning of the season each family will be required to pay a post dated deposit check to cover the years volunteer responsibility requirement. If any one chooses to no participate in their volunteer hours or does not meet the 20 hour minimum their check will be cashed and deposited into the general fund. Each family is responsible for logging hours worked. A log will be posted at FLIPS and family totals will be updated and posted on the POOF website monthly. For those who meet the required hours, checks will be returned after the close of the season.
New Member: $350
New Membership pricing covers Uniform Fee Associated with Joining the team.
Each returning family pays a $35 renewal membership fee, due at the beginning of the new season in June.
If a gymnast does not complete the season the deposit check will not be returned until pending balances of both the competition and non-competition accounts are paid in full. In addition, if the gymnast does not compete the season, and is found to owe money to POOF, the deposit check may be cashed to settle any pending debits.
* Each gymnast may participate in the annual banquet if/when all accounts are up to date at the close of the season.