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Clases de Gimnasia Acrobática Flips

La gimnasia acrobática es una disciplina reconocida por la organización USA Gymnastics. Asimismo, también es reconocida como acrobacia competitiva en varias universidades del país, con muchas oportunidades de becas.

Las gimnastas acrobáticas Flips compiten anualmente en eventos locales, estatales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales.

Nuestro programa competitivo Acro comienza el 1 de septiembre y se extiende hasta el 31 de agosto de cada año. Sin embargo, evaluamos y aceptamos atletas durante todo el año y agradecemos su interés.


Gimnasia acrobática

Edades: 6 años+

La Gimnasia Acrobática (Acro) es una actividad que enfatiza la belleza combinada de la Danza y la Acrobacia. Las habilidades gimnásticas añaden emoción a la disciplina. Las habilidades acrobáticas se componen de elementos de Equilibrio que resaltan la belleza y la gracia de la disciplina, mientras que los elementos Dinámicos resaltan la emocionante agilidad de los atletas que realizan habilidades asombrosas. En resumen, es una forma de gimnasia en pareja que combina la belleza de la danza y la emoción de las rutinas de gimnasia en el piso. Dos, tres o más personas se mueven juntas en perfecta armonía creando excelencia a través del equilibrio y los elementos dinámicos. Mejora la fuerza, la flexibilidad, la conciencia corporal y las habilidades de comunicación.


Maryland ~ Delaware Central Acro State Championship

Dates: May 6th & 7th

Location: 2603 Back Acre Circle Mt. Airy, MD

--Registration USAG & KSIS – April 17, 2023
    1. Per athlete late registration fee – Acro 1st Event $95, Acro 2nd Event $30, Blocks $55

--Cancellations need to be submitted via email to the Meet director.
--Refund Request – May 1, 2023, 50% refund. NO refund May 2, 2023, or later.
--Tariff Sheets KSIS – April 20, 2023.
--Late TS Penalties – New TS Submitted 10 days prior to start of competition = No Penalty
     1. New TS submitted 10 or more days prior to start of competition = No Penalty
     2. New TS submitted less than 10 days prior to start of competition = $50 per club.
     3. New TS submitted less than 5 days prior to start of competition = $100 per tariff.
     4. Revised TS submitted less than 3 days prior to start of competition = $100 per

--Registration checks need to be received no later than April 21, 2023.
--Make Checks Payable to: Flips Mt Airy.
--Mail to: Flips Mt Airy, 2603 Back Acre Cir, Mt Airy, MD 21771. c/o LeeAnn Lenhart


Merchandise Link
State Merchandise:
--A Licensed USAG vendor will be on site. Each athlete participating will receive a coupon
for the T-Shirt. They will then go to the vendor on site to redeem said coupon whereupon
they can simply redeem the coupon for their t-shirt, or they can redeem T-shirt and order
additional merchandise. All T-shirts and merchandise will be shipped after the conclusion
of the competition.

--Leos and Pins will be on sale prior to competition via our online store: https://flips-parent- Deadline for ALL online

orders is April 23, 2023. These items will be available for pick up at the competition
venue. Please send 1(one) representative from each team to collect these items.

Medical Personnel:
--Medical/First aid support will be available on-site during warm-up and competition.

Medal Awards Ceremonies:
--Awards ceremonies will take place in the awards room designated at the venue away
from the competition area.
--Highest Score trophies will be awarded for each level of competition at state
   1. One Trophy will be awarded to the pair/group at the awards ceremony. As a result of not
knowing how many trophies will be awarded in each level, the additional trophies for
each member of the pair/group will be delivered after additional trophies have been
   2. Level 7 & below will be simply the highest score in that level. Level 8 and above will
receive the highest score based on the sum of all required routines performed.

Out of state athletes’ procedures:
--Since we have out of state athletes participating their awards will be handled in the
following way: They will receive duplicate medals/ribbons and will be acknowledged in
their own presentation on the awards podium following each award ceremony that
they participate in. For example: Level 6 WP, 1st place in state athletes, 2nd place out
of state athletes, 3rd place in state athletes. The in-state athletes will be called to the
podium first and the awards will be Gold medal and Silver medal to the in-state
athletes. Immediately followed by the out of state athletes will be called to the podium
and awarded their Silver medal.

For more information, contact us!

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